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1 - You will complete your community service hours only at the worksites and times assigned by the Community Corrections Office.   You will not be allowed to arrange your own worksite unless approved by the Community Corrections Office.  You will be required to work at least 2 hours every occurrence of CS worked.

2 - You will not be allowed to complete your ordered community service hours through any organization you, your family or your friends have been affiliated with whether in the past, present or future.  

3 - If you are contacted by the Community Corrections office and make a commitment or agreement to a work assignment and fail to show or contact this office it will be counted as an unexcused absence and could result in a loss of previous hours worked.

4 - Work hours scheduled between you and the worksite supervisor cannot be altered without their prior approval. You must notify the worksite supervisor if you are unable to be there on time.  If you are later then one hour you will be given an unexcused absence.

5 - Clients will use the worksite sign-in/sign-out procedure.  Community Service credit will not be given for hours that are undocumented.  Timesheets will be picked up by the Jamestown Community Corrections Staff.  Timesheets brought to the Jamestown Community Corrections Office by Clients will not be counted as hours worked.

6 - It will be considered as a worksite infraction if you report to a worksite under the influence of drugs or alcohol or the use of drugs or alcohol while completing community service.   Clients will not leave the worksite during scheduled work hours without the supervisor’s permission. 

7 - Report to work clean, dressed appropriately for the work environment and weather conditions.

8 - Transportation of any kind will not be provided by Jamestown Community Corrections.  Worksites are only able to transport clients with the Supervisor present and only to/from a jobsite.  This is at the worksites expense.

9 - You will perform all duties assigned and follow the directions of the worksite Supervisor.  If you have questions about the assigned duties ask the worksite Supervisor.  Notify your worksite supervisor if your assigned duties are beyond your physical abilities or against doctor orders.  If you are sent home for worksite infractions you may not get credit for the hours.

10 - You are not allowed to have visitors at the worksites.  NO electronic devices are allowed on worksites without worksite Supervisor approval.  Having visitors or making personal phone calls will be considered a worksite infraction.  Personal phone calls can only be made during scheduled breaks.

11 - After the initial adult program fee of $50 is paid a monthly fee of $30.00 will be charged for each 30 days that Community Service is not completed.

12 - Our program fee of $50 cannot be waived by the court, it is mandatory to pay whether hours are finished, bought-out, waived, etc.  The only exception to this rule is if the offender is working off court fines/fees, our fee can be worked off as well.

13 - If a Non-Compliance Report is submitted to the Court a $30 Reopen Fee will be charged.

14 - If there is a need to transfer your case to a different community service office within the State of North Dakota, a $30 transfer fee will be assessed.  You will be obligated to pay any/all fees required to the transferring office as well.  That office will then monitor all hours completed and the hours will be done within their jurisdiction.

15 -  All hours must be completed and fees paid before your court appointed deadline.  A letter of noncompliance will be sent to the appropriate court for 2 unexcused absences, 2 worksite infractions, any worksite safety violation or not completing your hours or paying the required fees. 


I have read & understand the above policies and my questions have been answered.


Additionally, I understand that my personal information may be used in the future as a part of a research study once I sign and submit.